Feeling tired? CoQ10 could be the answer

Feeling tired? CoQ10 could be the answer

Feeling tired? CoQ10 could be the answer

Introducing Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – a naturally occurring vitamin-like substance our bodies produce. It produces energy for every cell, tissue and organ. Maintaining high CoQ10 levels is critical to sustaining optimum health. Without enough CoQ10 to power our cells, our bodies become more susceptible to illness and injury. Simply put, if you don’t have enough, your body won’t work properly. Unfortunately as we get older, we tend to produce less of it – most people over the age of 40 are deficient.

With medical breakthroughs occurring every day and supplements available at the click of a button, just about everyone is looking for a magic pill that does it all. One simple pill to heal all of our ailments, make us look younger and rejuvenate us from head to toe.

If you’re not already convinced, here are more reasons why you should take CoQ10.

It gives you more energy 
Lack of energy or fatigue is one of the top health complaints reported by adults. Often associated with a hectic lifestyle or getting older, a lack of CoQ10 is often the culprit for depleted energy levels.
It brings out you inner athlete 
The aim of the exercise game is to improve your VO2 max – or rather the maximum rate your heart, lungs and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise. The better your VO2, the better your overall performance. Increased CoQ10 not only improves workout capacity and oxygen transport, it helps prevent damage to muscles that can occur as a result of intensive or endurance exercise. 
It offsets the side effects of medications 
As if age, lifestyle and illness wasn’t depleting our CoQ10 levels enough, various medications lower them further. Tricyclic Anti-depressants, Beta blockers (blood pressure medication) and Statin drugs (for lowering cholesterol) not only lower CoQ10 levels, but often have side effects including muscle pain, general soreness or weakness, digestive problems, memory problems, blood glucose elevations (including diabetes), and a spectrum of other issues. Adding a CoQ10 supplement to the mix increases energy and vitality, and offsets the unwanted side effects of these medications. 
It’s good for the heart 
It stands to reason that the cells in your body that require the greatest amount of energy also have the greatest need for CoQ10. With our hearts working at a rate of around 75 beats per minute, pumping five litres of blood through our body every minute, heart cells require a lot of energy to work properly. When they’re depleted in CoQ10, your heart doesn’t work efficiently and your entire body feels it. Statin medication depletes the body of CoQ10 even further, so if you’re taking anything like that it’s really important to balance it with a CoQ10 supplement.
CoQ10 is beneficial for everyone, particularly people who suffer from low energy, cardiovascular problems or have a weak immune system. If you’re interested in trying it for yourself, check out newzealandpurehealths CoQ10 Plus